What is American Wind Week?

What is American Wind Week event and how many workers are employed in the U.S.A in a renewable enegry industry.

What is American Wind Week?

AWEA hosted the inaugural “American Wind Week" in 2017 in celebration of wind power emerging as America’s No. 1 source of renewable energy capacity. Annually, wind companies and supporters now host a wide variety of events around the country that show how wind works for all Americans.

#AmericanWindWeek 2018 highlights

Each year in August, elected officials will visit wind farms and factories across the country to show their support. You can get involved by sharing on social media, requesting a proclamation from your mayor or governor, or attending a live event!

Brought to you by the American Wind Energy Association, American Wind Week is a celebration of how wind works for our country. Elected officials and wind supporters will join together at in-person events and online to show their support.